Station 87 draws its name from a pivotal year: 1887, when the visionary architect James A. Ellis erected the Meaford fire hall. This architectural gem symbolizes an era of burgeoning community spirit and progress in public service. From its inception in the 19th century to its designation as a cherished heritage site in 1991, the fire hall has stood as a beacon of Meaford’s rich history.

Meaford’s Firestation, Station 87 was revived by a team of talented individuals with a vision for Meaford and a desire to bring the town something truly special. Lino Toncic purchased the building with the intention of finding a local restauranteur to bring the space back to life. Lino got in touch with local restauranteur John Garbe who’s passion for food and service were a perfect match for the future of the fire station. The building underwent a full renovation by the Straw Hat team, with Interior Design by Aysia Garbe & Claire Livingstone from Ruhe Designs.
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